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Epoch & Rider Shafique - Listen This | Blacklist (BLACKLIST007) - main
Epoch & Rider Shafique - Listen This | Blacklist (BLACKLIST007) - 1Epoch & Rider Shafique - Listen This | Blacklist (BLACKLIST007) - 2

Epoch & Rider Shafique

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Blacklist (BLACKLIST007)

1x Vinyl 12" 45 RPM

Release date: Jul 7, 2017, UK

MC of the moment Rider Shafique takes a trip down Egyptian Avenue, barging down the doors of the one and only Epoch. The result is a Blacklisted banger of toxic proportions. With a freeform low end creeping under the radar, there's stacks of space for Rider to really get into his flow before momentum picks up in the third minute. Flip for a stuttering, tripped out ghetto twist on "Dust" from Artillery and lock down every aerial in a 20 mile radius.

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Epoch - Listen This


Epoch - Dust (Artillery Mix)