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The Judgment EP
After 3 hugely successful singles, veteran Spanish producer, Tensal will deliver his first full length later this year on Soma. As we build toward this momentous occasion, four hard hitting and idiosyncratic tracks come courtesy of Tensal as he drops The Judgement EP.
Marenga opens the EP in perfect Tensal style. A unique and well constructed sequence sits atop pervasive kicks, utilising subtle vocals and layered percussion to work the groove. 1 9 9 4 O N harks to tougher times with huge broken kick patterns, twisted synths elements and a darker vibe throughout. Things get deeper and more tripped out with Fano. Here, a more hypnotised & narcotic feeling is in effect with percussive and synth elements washing in and out of the mix whilst still retaining a solid drive. Delafix closes out the EP bringing together Tensal s creative range under one track. The hypnotic tripped out vibe is prevalent throughout as vigorous drum workouts keep things at a fairly fast pace.
Tensal is undeniably one of modern Techno s most well respected and innovative producers and one that continues to add to his already prodigious catalogue.
1 9 9 4 O NT