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Drone - Sapphire EP | Sector 7 Sounds (S7S007) - main
Drone - Sapphire EP | Sector 7 Sounds (S7S007) - 1Drone - Sapphire EP | Sector 7 Sounds (S7S007) - 2Drone - Sapphire EP | Sector 7 Sounds (S7S007) - 3


Sapphire EP

Sector 7 Sounds (S7S007)

1x Vinyl 12"

Release date: Jul 1, 2018, UK

Finn "Drone" Donohue appears to be a producer on the rise. This may only be his second 12" single (his first slipped out last year), but he's already showing signs of developing a trademark sound all of his own. Both "Sapphire" and "Down This Way" are dark, clandestine and paranoid, with grime style stabs and spacey electronic effects clustering around a bustling, hot-stepping rhythm track that seemingly charges from the speakers towards your sound-space. Closer "East Coast", which is exclusive to the vinyl edition of this release, is arguably even more raw and aggressive, with colossal sub-bass pulses, creepy melodies and densely layered background textures (think cut-up vocal samples, white noise and unusual field recordings) all catching the ear.

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Been This Way


East Coast