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TMSV - Zoned Out | White Peach (WPR036) - main
TMSV - Zoned Out | White Peach (WPR036) - 1


Zoned Out

White Peach (WPR036)

1x Vinyl 12" 45 RPM EP

Release date: Nov 19, 2018, UK

Dutch deepsmith TMSV has been on some superb labels in recent times - Innamind, Artikal, Cosmic Bridge and many more - but he's never been on White Peach until now, and he's celebrating in the true diverse, far-reaching style that the label encourages. Taking a laid back approach, both "Zoned Out" and "Olifant" ease on a 70 swagger with deep slouching soul while "No Soul" ups the jazz magic with a little dash of Pete Rock feel in the sample play before "Killing Season" closes on a strange warped trip where humanised tones melt, warp and mangle in ways that defy logic.

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Zoned Out




No Soul


Killing Season