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Инструмент №6
From Saint Petersburg via Moscow, @producedbyflaty refines his underground dance music influences across three diverse tracks to create a short but effective narrative for Gost Zvuk's club-ready Instrument series. This is a package full of dancefloor deviations: opening track 'Graf Ruin' is a minimalist, accelerated dub techno excercise, while the flipside makes things even faster with the intense ghetto acid re-arrangement 'Hornets'. The last track of the EP goes somewhere else entirely, revolving around caustic glitchy splashes and a slower, more pummeling beat. Following Flaty's last year's high-acclaimed double LP Литьё, released on Gost Zvuk under AEM Rhythm Cascade monicker, this is ultimately one of his most concise and powerful record to date.
Graf Ruin