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Kalter Ende
Altered Versions
Once again the Black Brook Limited Series presents finest techno. Access Control comes like a nightmare when you have got something to hide and you are electrified if all the machines and security agents around you try to uncover your secret. You will make it while listening to Access Control. This EP is full of energy, a kind of dark energy that helps you out of your misery. Boost yourself with this straight futuristic sounds against the dark forces on earth!
Supported by:
Steve Parker, Marcel Dettmann,Slam,Atomik,MTD,Arnaud Le Texier,C-System, Juho Kusti,Kaiser,Ancient Methods,Shifted,Dimi Angelis, Alderaan,Takaaki Itoh, Ame,HD Substance and many more...
Access Control
Details of Sequence
Control Routing
High Voltage