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Mathias Schaffhäuser
Hedonism, What Else
Snork Enterprises (SNORK101)
Snork Enterprises (#101)
Release date: Sep 1, 2019, Germany
As the definition goes: Hedonism is a believe that argues that pursuing pleasure and intrinsic goods are the primary goals of human life. Following that rule, with his new release on Snork Enterprises, Mathias Schaffhäuser has created something exceptionally pleasurable – not just only for him, but for every music lover.
Virtuously, he blends electronica sounds, ambient vibes with acid house and jazz elements. The result is as experimental as outstanding. It’s a truly artistic new album with eight tracks, each of which you would not expect but which lives up to its entertaining promise. As hedonism strives to maximize pleasure, the album strives to enrich your musical horizon. At the same time, it contains huge club potential and provides a welcome ear-catcher to every inspiring DJ set. So, we’d say: Snork #101, what else!
Fuck, Past & Future 2019
Unkraut Vergeht Nicht
Nut & Fuge
Bunter Hund