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Bionic Jelly
Subsequent to their formidable Collabo with Max Delius a few months prior, Andreas Schuller and Jay Nagel deliver the next tracks for RFR. “Bionic Jelly” still moves in style within the croudian sound biotope, yet places the Tooly aspect a little bit more in the foreground.
“It’s a match” starts restrainedly with dubby breakbeats, being driven forward by echoes and reverb. Rattling percussions jump on the sonic carpet and little by little increase the intensity of this funky opener. Yep, that fits!
„Stomache Grind“ comes around the corner way more relaxed than its title may suggest. Nothing indigestive is presented here, in contrary a digestif made of all the ingredients which crouds are famous for: Melody, broken beats, elaborately composed dub patterns and a dose of finesse.
Heavy 90s vibes in the final track of this EP. Kinda reminiscent of Luke Vibert in his best Rephlex days. Minimal, interlaced and mystical. “Shifting Space” not only moves space, but also time. Because this is what’s needed in order to enjoy the true depth of this track.
It's A Match
Endless Loops
Shifting Space
Stomache Grind