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Asa & Sorrow - Knights Of Ren EP | Kapsize (KAP016) - main
Asa & Sorrow - Knights Of Ren EP | Kapsize (KAP016) - 1Asa & Sorrow - Knights Of Ren EP | Kapsize (KAP016) - 2

Asa & Sorrow

Knights Of Ren EP

Kapsize (KAP016)

1x Vinyl 12" 33 ⅓ RPM EP

Release date: Apr 1, 2016, UK

Bristol grime time: Asa & Sorrow step away from the deeper, ambient, home-chilling beats for something club-ready and waiting for MC damage. "Island Wave" is the waviest cut of the bunch thanks to its ever-changing tones and far-away vocal textures, "Knights Of Ren" is the murkiest cut of the bunch, sabre slicing up the dance like Kylo while "Barbaric" does that really creepy staccato string thing that both Asa and Sorrow do so well. Finally we hit the Lemz & Hi5Ghost twist of the lead track. Utilising the strings for more drama and spacing out the beats/bass, it's a neat switch up that retains full respect to the original.

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Island Wave


Knights Of Ren




Knights Of Ren (Lemz & Hi5Ghost Remix)